Easy to find Wedding-Engagement Photography Locations in Christchurch

Christchurch Wedding-Engagement Photography Locations; Coming up with wedding-engagement photography locations can sometimes prove to be an uphill task.

Not knowing where to start when finding the suitable location for your shoot is the number one pain in the butt.

Christchurch Wedding-Engagement Photography locations in Hagley Park
Autumn morning in Hagley Park

Having taken the time to do some of the location scouting for you so you have a starting point, we have decided to share some of the readily and easily accessible locations in and around Christchurch that we regularly use for different styles of shoots.

Below is a list of the locations that we have used as wedding-engagement photography locations. In due course we will also be adding some more locations and included will be other shooting locations that we plan to shoot at in the near future.

Just as a pointer, permission or permits are not required for most of the locations on the list but, it still pays to make your own checks to find out if permission or a permit is necessary for the location you intend to use for a shoot.

We will continue to add to the list as we shoot and expand our wedding-engagement photography locations and we hope you find the list helpful.

If you have a location that you feel you would like to share, send us the information and we will add it to the list.

Christchurch Wedding-Engagement Photography Locations List



